
Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Farmer Ancestry.

12/08/16 - Added a page for the Farmer family authors and books.

09/08/16 - Completed pages for my Great Grandmother Crystal Mary Isabel Brock, and 2xGreat Grandfather Harry Archibald Brock.

05/08/16 - And it's up! 1&1 have sorted the problems I was having in bringing the site back and we're now all up and running. I hope you like it!

28/07/16 - Work on the Website

My hosting company have made it easier to create this website, so I have been doing a lot of work trying to get it looking something like I'd hoped to when I first started the website many years ago. Hopefully more regular updates will happen from now on!

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Farmer Ancestry


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by Wayne Farmer
